Program: Research, Development, Innovation National Program Excelence research

Module: 1

Competition: January 2006

Project category:   Complex Research & Development Project

Project no.: 304

Duration: July 2006 – September 2008

Title: Hazardous solid waste impact mitigation using inertisating technologies in accordance with EU Environmental Acquis

Contracting Authority: Agenţia Managerială de Cercetare Ştiinţifică, Inovare şi Transfer Tehnologic – AMCSIT Politehnica Bucureşti, Romania

Project Coordinator: Universitatea din Petroşani, Romania

Partner 1: Institutul Naţional de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Metale şi Resurse Radioactive – ICPMRR Bucureşti, Romania

Partner 2: Universitatea Politehnica Bucureşti – Centru de Cercetări şi Expertizări Eco-Metalurgice, Romania

Partner 3: Institutul de Geografie al Academiei Române


Project Manager: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ioan Dumitrescu

Scientific Coordinator: Dr. ing. György DEÁK


Main objective:

Information regarding waste with heavy metal content inertisation and deposit assessment;

Solid waste with heavy metal content inertisation technologies;

Solid waste with heavy metal content management that include their national evidence, monitoring, collecting, inertisation and storage;

Pilot installation for solid waste with heavy metal content inertisation and underground depositing tests in order to assess proposal fiability.

Specific objectives:

STAGE 1  Information regarding waste with heavy metal content inertisation and deposit assessment

1.1 Existing inertisation methods assessment;

1.2 Identification of monitorisation parameters that must be determined in order to evaluate phisico-chemical waste stability;

1.3 Phisico-chemical, mechanical and biological waste alteration mechanism identification;

1.4 Fezabile inertisation method selection;

1.5 Hazardous solid waste inventariation in Romania;

1.6 RD results national and international disemination.


STAGE 2   Solid waste with nonradioactive heavy metal content inertisation technologies – marketing study


STAGE 3 –  Technical project for waste inertisation and depositing – test and determinations


 STAGE 4   Solid waste with heavy metal content inertisation pilot station realization – demonstrative experiment