Program: Research, Development, Innovation National Program,   Excelence research

Module: 1

Competition: January 2006

Project category: Complex Research & Development Project

Project no.: 170

Duration: July 2006 – September 2008


Contracting Authority: Agenţia Managerială de Cercetare Ştiinţifică, Inovare şi Transfer Tehnologic – AMCSIT Politehnica Bucureşti, Romania

 Project Coordinator: Institutul Naţional de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Metale şi Resurse Radioactive – ICPMRR Bucureşti, Romania

Partner 1: Institutul de Geografie al Academiei Române

Partner 2: Universitatea Politehnica Bucureşti – Centru de Cercetări şi Expertizări Eco-Metalurgice, Romania

Partner 3: Universitatea din Petroşani, Romania

 Project Manager : Dr. ing. Ştefania E. DeÁk Senior Researcher

Research and Development National Institute for Metals and Radioactive Resources-INCDMRR Bucharest, ROMANIA

Scientific coordinator: Prof. Dr. ing. Mircea Georgescu University of Petrosani, Romania, Vice-Rector in charge of Education and International Relations

Main objective:

Conventional salt mining solutions proper to multicenturies stability conservation, according to the environment European Acquis and taking into account the regional climatic parameters changes and the salt mine reusing possibilities by unconventional exploitation methods, after the industrial reserves exploitation

Specific objectives:

STAGE 1 Regional climatic factors changes impact on the environment and salt natural resources exploitation conditions

1.1 Informational volume analysis of the environment impact due to the salt exploitation

1.2 Diagnose analysis of climatic changes impact on the salt exploitation and environment – GIS maps

1.3 Saline areas classification according to climatic changes impact on the current salt natural resources exploitation

1.4 Environment and salt natural resources exploitation conditions impact scenarios of the climatic factors, for +50 and +100 years

1.5 Double and triple correlative analysis regarding dependence: climatic change – environment – salt mining technology

1.6 National and international dissemination of the project results

STAGE 2  Environment preventive exploitation techniques and technologies elaboration, adapted to the regional climatic parameters change

 STAGE 3  Salt rock exploitation solutions in respect of the European environment requirements

 STAGE 4  ecomining management of the salt rock în respect of the european environment requirements

Project supported by:

  1. Ministry of Economy and Commerce-General Directorate of Mineral Resources: Note 175265/23.01.2006
  2. National Agency of Mineral Resources: Note 407564/20.01.2006
  3. National Society of Salt S.A. Bucharest: Support Agreement Letter 549/26.01.2006
  4. Institut für Geotechnik, Berkgakademie Freiburg – Germany: Letter of intent from 19.01.2006
  5. DOLEXPERT Prague – Czech: Statement of cooperation from 22.01.2003
  6. Ecole des Mines de Nancy – France: Letter of intent from 23.01.2006
  1. Amberg Engineering Ltd. – Switzerland: Letter of intent from 30.01.2006

Dissemination actions:

  1. Aplicarea metodelor numerice de calcul pentru soluţii reale în industria minieră şi protecţia mediului înconjurător / Gy. Deak, Şt.E. Deak/Revista Buletin RESURSE MINERALE, nr. 1, 2006, pag. 37-44,cod ISSN 1842-290X / Editura Universitas, Petroşani.
  2. The risk zone identification by surface waters penetration using the electrical rezistivity and decisional analysis / Gy. Deak, I. Oancea, S.O.Mihai/ Revista Buletin RESURSE MINERALE, nr. 2, 2006, pag. 21-26,cod ISSN 1842-290X / Editura Universitas, Petroşani
  3. An assessment of climatic condition in the Praid salt-mine area / C. Dragotă, D. Micu/ Revista Buletin RESURSE MINERALE, nr. 2, 2006, pag. 87-94,cod ISSN1842-290X / Editura Universitas, Petroşani
  4. Preliminary considerations concerning the actual dynamics of Praid salt deposit geomorphological process / B. Driga, D. Ciupitu, D. Micu / Revista Buletin RESURSE MINERALE, nr. 2, 2006, pag. 95-100,cod ISSN 1842-290X / Editura Universitas, Petroşani
  5. T-D discontinuous and SMC-TDA continuous monitoring systems of geomechanics phenomena in Romanian salt mines/ Gy. Deak, Şt.E.Deak, Z. Seprodi/ Advances in Mineral Resources Management and Environmental Geotechnology, Proceedings of the 2nd AMIREG International Conference, pag. 363-368, 25-27 sept. 2006, Hania, Grecia


Support actions for 7th Framework Programme:

25-31.08.2006 – DOLEXPERT-Geotechnica, Prague, Czech Republic

Activities:      Knowledge transfer based on the long-term experience in the field of numerical modeling in geomechanics:

– constitutive modeling of geomaterials,

– discontinuum and micro-mechanical modeling,

– stress path analysis of geomechanical structures,

– interactive use of measuring and modeling during investigation,

– consultation regarding project proposal submission to 7th FP.

17-22.01.2007 – Biutec, Vien, Austria: project proposal launching



Duration / month 36

AbstractUnderground salt excavation structure dimensioning, using analytic or numerical computation, have as result serious stability problems, especially when the salt room exceeds 100 years old. In order to avoid the collapse risk situation is compulsory necessary to increase the stability prediction level of confidence. So, according as the existent numerical codes, in the first stage a computational program of pillar-ceiling salt strength structure must be developed. The next step goes for modelling of damage zone evolution, due to salt mining. The control parameters of geomining phenomena are important to determine, because of strongly interdependence between rheological salt rock behaviour and its intrinsic properties and / or brine and salt rock mass interaction. New tests and lab/in situ experiments are necessary to validate the numerical computation results. The main objective of the project is to develop a strong numerical computation instrument for the european specialists, in their struggle with salt mining destroyer effect on environment and human life

Specific keywordsdecisional analysis, numerical modeling, dkrcontrol method, monitoring system, control system, salt mine, brine, environment impact