Program: Research, Development, Innovation National Program Excelence research
Module: 1
Competition: January 2006
Project category: Complex Research & Development Project
Project no.: 167
Duration: July 2006 – September 2008
Title: Sustainable management of solid waste repository located in the inactive mining sites in respect of the environmental European Acquis – DESOLSITMIN
Contracting Authority: Agenţia Managerială de Cercetare Ştiinţifică, Inovare şi Transfer Tehnologic – AMCSIT Politehnica Bucureşti, Romania
Project Coordinator: Institutul Naţional de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Metale şi Resurse Radioactive – ICPMRR Bucureşti, Romania
Partner 1: Universitatea din Petroşani, Romania
Project Manager: Dr. ing. György DEÁK Senior Researcher , Research and Development National Institute for Metals and Radioactive Resources-INCDMRR Bucharest, ROMANIA
Scientific coordinator: Prof. Dr. ing. Mircea Georgescu, University of Petrosani, Romania, Vice-Rector in charge of Education and International Relations
Partner 2: Universitatea Politehnica Bucureşti – Centru de Cercetări şi Expertizări Eco-Metalurgice, Romania
Partner 3: Institutul de Geografie al Academiei Române
Main objective: Scientific and technical modalities identification in order to elaborate some solutions for unconventional exploitation of the underground excavations as underground repositories
Specific objectives:
STAGE 1 – Informational volume analysis regarding underground mining sites usage as solid waste repositories
1.1 Mining sites requirements identification for waste repository usage
1.2 Decisional analysis of solid waste underground repositories construction methods.
1.3 Mining cavities selection criteria as solid waste repositories
1.4 Mining sites assortment as man-made resource with exploitation potential
1.5 Basic research fields identification in order to improve the engineering solutions – schedule project
1.6 National and international dissemination of the project results
Non-radioactive solid waste repositories execution solutions in the underground mining sites
An underground repository accomplishment in a mining site
Solid waste storage guide in the underground mining sites according to the European environment regulations
Project supported by:
- Acord ferm de susţinere – Compania Naţională a Cuprului, Aurului şi Fierului MINVEST S.A. Deva, Filiala Bălan, no. 461/30.01.2006
- Adresa Primăriei Oraşului Bălan, no. 461/30.01.2006
- Acord ferm de susţinere şi colaborare al Sindicatul Liber Bălan from 16.01.2006
- Ministry of Economy and Commerce-General Directorate of Mineral Resources: Note 175266/23.01.2006
- National Agency of Mineral Resources: Note 407561/20.01.2006
- Nota Agenţiei Naţionale de Substanţe şi Preparate Chimice Periculoase no. 110/17.01.2006.
- Institut für Geotechnik, Berkgakademie Freiburg – Germany: Letter of intent from 19.01.2006
- DOLEXPERT Prague – Czech: Statement of cooperation from 22.01.2003
- Ecole des Mines de Nancy – France: Letter of intent from 23.01.2006
- Amberg Engineering Ltd. – Switzerland: Letter of intent from 30.01.2006
- Aplicarea metodelor numerice de calcul pentru soluţii reale în industria minieră şi protecţia mediului înconjurător / Deak, Şt.E. Deak/Revista Buletin RESURSE MINERALE, nr. 1, 2006, pag. 37-44,cod ISSN 1842-290X / Editura Universitas, Petroşani
- Reutilizarea spaţiilor miniere subterane abandonate în armonie cu Acquisul de mediu european / M. Georgescu, Gy. Deak, Şt. E. Deak/ /Revista Buletin RESURSE MINERALE, nr. 1, 2006, pag. 49-56,cod ISSN 1842-290X / Editura Universitas, Petroşani
Support actions for 7th Framework Programme:
17-22.01.2007 – Biutec, Vien, Austria: project proposal launching
Hazardous waste underground repository sustainable management by available mining works recapitalization in respect of environment european acquis
Acronym Wasundreman
Duration / month36
A real challenge of our society is waste management and storage in respect of environment protection, especially for hazardous ones. To develop a management of solid waste repository into underground mining excavations could be a realistic solution for landfill alternative and incineration procedure. The main objective of the project aims to work up safety storage solutions, especially for the hazardous wastes, which are characterized by low content of heavy metals.
Three important tasks will be solved:
-underground storage bat technology of solid waste, according to hydro-geological and geomining conditions
-technology to convert the hazardous waste into inert one
-long term monitoring and control system of the underground repository, in order to eliminate the incidentally environment pollution
Specific keywords decisional analysis, numerical modeling, bat storage technology, inetrization, monitoring system, control system, man-made resources